Monday, July 27, 2015

Email Request Final Draft

Research for an Educational Class: Interview Request

Dear Director Lynn Houston,

My name is Angelica Cramér and I am a student at Antioch University Santa Barbara with a concentration in Marketing. My interest in marketing has existed for as long as I can remember, and it is something I really want to work with in the future. I am reaching out to you because I would like to interview someone who works with marketing. I heard about you and your work through Kristianne Clifford, and it would be pleasure to work with you.

The research assignment I am doing is for my Academic Writing class. The project requires me to have an interview, and I would also need 3-5 writing artifacts to study. I am writing this email because I am wondering if you would be able to share some of your written materials and if you would have time to meet up sometime between the 6-11th of August?

Thank you for your time, I look forward to hear back from you.

Kind Regards,
Angelica Cramér
Antioch University Santa Barbara
BA: Marketing

1 comment:

  1. Hi Angelica,
    I think your request was well written. Aside from a few grammatical errors( which I am sure you cleaned up before sending) I think you presented your request in a clear and professional manner. I think it was wise to add the reference to Kristianne! Having her name as a reference is surely a way to connect when otherwise you may be just another person asking for "Something". I do think it may be helpful to request the written materials in the first paragraph. This way you dont hold the reader up in wondering what the bottom line of the email is. That said, I still think it was well written and I am sure will yield positive results for you.
